Punic inscription on bronze sheet from the sanctuary of Astarte
In the 4th century, a dedication was made to an unknown male god (his name was cancelled in ancient times), in Punic letters that date back to the 4th century B.C. The person making the dedication is a certain Abd-Melqart, who carries the names of his ancestors and the craftsman.
The four-line inscription is on a bronze metal sheet, destined to be fixed as there are four holes in the corners for nails. Here is the translation (the additions made to complete the words are in square brackets).
“To the Lord […al]tar who has dedicated ABDMELQART, s[on of …], son of HMY, son of ABTANIT, as (the god) has listened to the voice of his words. Maker/engraver (was) ABDO servant of GERMELQART, son of YATONSID”.

An artifact akin comes from the temple of Sid to Antas: the inscription in bronze sheet, dated to the fifth century B.C., which speaks of a specialist of the 'roof coverings'.

- P. BARTOLONI, Monte Sirai, Sassari.
- M.H. FANTAR, II. Les Inscriptions, in E. Acquaro et alii, Ricerche puniche ad Antas, Roma, pp. 47-93.
- G. GARBINI, L’iscrizione punica, in MONTE SIRAI – II, pp. 79-92.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 1963-2013, mezzo secolo di indagini archeologiche, Sassari.