

About three hundred coins all in bronze covering a period going from the Punic era (IV-III A.D.) and the early Middle Ages (VI century A.D.) were found in the cemetery area of Columbaris (fig.1).

The Punic Era coins were coined by Sardinian and Sicilian mints between 380-330 and 264-238 B.C., while only two lines are known for the Republican Period (217-197 B.C.), (fig. 2).

Fig. 1 - Map of the Columbaris-Cornus complex with indication of stages and sectors (drawing by L. SALADINO, M. C. SOMMA, from Cornus I.1, p. 200, tab. II).
Fig. 2 - Columbaris - Sector VI: line of the Rome mint (217-197 B.C.), (from CUGLIERI I, tab. XXXVIII).

They found examples from the imperial Roman period (figs. 3-5) datable from the III till the VI century A.D. and twenty eight vandal coins (fig. 6).

Fig. 3 - Columbaris - Sector IV, 1: aes of Costantine, 317 A.D., (from CUGLIERI I, tab. XXXIX).
Fig. 4 - Columbaris - Settore III: aes di Magnenzio, 350-352 d.C. (da CUGLIERI I, tav. XL).
Fig. 5 - Columbaris - Sector IV 1: aes of Constance II, 330-352 A.D. (from CUGLIERI I, tab. XLI).
Fig. 6 - Columbaris - Sector I,1: vandal coins, Thrasamund issue (496-523 A.D.), (from CUGLIERI I, tab. XLIV).


Those finds prove use of the coin with ritual value, as they were not only found in the tomb, as viaticum payment or for Charon (e.g. tombs 15, 77), but also outside them, as an offering (e.g. tombs 35, 36, 44), and both inside and outside (e.g. tombs 20, 21, 26) and near tables prepared for the refrigerium (t. 26). Tombs 75 and 76 held coin hoards.

Finding Punic and Roman examples, no longer used or with coins referable to different periods indicates that, once they had lost their monetary value, they acquired a ritual one and certified the survival of pagan rituals. In the classic religion, both Greek and Roman, Charon ferried the souls of the dead from one shore to the other of the Acheron, the river of Hades (fig. 7): with a fee the ferryman would have taken the deceased person's soul to the other side, so his loved ones, to guarantee the journey, would have left a coin in the grave.

Fig. 7 - Valencia, Museo de Bellas Artes de San Pio V: Charon's boat, oil on canvas by J. Benlliure Gil (1919), (from


In Sardinia that practice is proven by several tombs from the Roman Period to the late Antiquity one (for example Sant’Imbenia, Sassari, and Loc. Cuccuru Porceddus, Decimoputzu) and the full Middle Ages one (in Posada) and post-medieval (Sant’Eulalia a Cagliari, where coins found are from the Savoy Period).

Moreover numerous coins, both bronze and gold, were found all over the Cornus area and on the hill of Corchinas, also referable to the vast time period partly found in Columbaris, that is from the Punic era to the end of the VII century (see fig. 8).

Fig. 8 - Gold tremissis (year of issue: 705-711, mint of Constantinople), origin unknown: on the front Christ, on the back the emperor Justinian II and his son Tiberius IV (from



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