
Inscription of Maximus

In a sheep pen not far from the Columbaris basilica area they found a marble slab 191 cm long, divided into four fragments, with an engraved text (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Inscription of Maximus in the Antiquarium Arborense (photo by C. Cocco).

It was stolen from the cemetery basilica to the North of the area and was originally the epigraphical tabula placed by Silbanos on the cover of the sarcophagus of his father Maximus, who died aged fifty. The text translated says: «To Maximus in good memory who lived well for more or less fifty years. His son placed this slab. (Rest) in peace. Silvano», with letters in different heights based on the rows they are arranged in (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Drawing of the recomposed slab (from MASTINO 1984, fig. 29).

The epigraph is dated V century A.D. and according to testimony comes from tomb 20 in the D sector of the cemetery basilica (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Cemetery basilica with indication of sector D (from MASTINO 1984 p. 98, fig. 23).

Alongside the text, there are three symbols dear to the Christian iconography of the early centuries: three Christological monograms, symbols formed by the letters of the Greek alphabet Chi (X) and Ro (P) to form the name of Christ (fig. 4),  a dove with an olive branch in its beak (fig. 4) and a large ship (fig. 4). The dove symbolises the soul of the deceased finding peace after death. Finally, the ship represents both the path taken by the deceased to afterlife and the Church which, led by Christ, leads to salvation.

Fig. 4 - Detail of the Christological monogram, dove, cargo ship (photo by F. Collu).



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