Grave goods of Patriga (t. 80)
In the eastern cemetery area of Columbaris amongst the 157 tombs found there is the capuchin one no. 80 (fig. 1), located in sector IV, 2. That tomb held a young noble woman named Patriga. It contained carefully arranged grave goods including a fibula, a pin (fig. 2), a cup and an unguentarium.

The fibula was found at the height of the deceased person's collar bones as it was used to close the cloak she was wearing. It has a pearled edge, a band of small triangles and a central button-shaped umbo (fig. 3). The broach is silver and the tongue bronze. That item, datable VI-VII century, is the typical Roman-Byzantine clothing object and another three examples were found in Sardinia (fig. 4).

The burial gives us the chance to understand aspects of early medieval customs (see figs. 10-11) due to the presence under the nape of Patriga of the remains of some silver threads, perhaps from a precious fabric cushion placed under her head or, more probably, referable to a net used to support her hairstyle. Then in her hair she must have had a silver pin (figs. 5-6), found under her jaw. On the middle part of the pin you have the inscription Patriga / Femina / Honesta with a series of engraved decorative motives. From that praise, probably from her spouse, you can deduce what her name was (fig. 5). The item can be dated between the VI and VII century.

From the earth used to fill in the tomb, a cup in African terracotta sigillata D (end IV and V century; see fig. 7) and a glass unguentarium (III-IV A.D., see figs. 8-9). Glass unguentaria were used to contain perfumes and ointments to be used during the funerary rite. Various fragments were found in the eastern cemetery area (for the shapes see figs. 8-9). As for grave goods, we need to distinguish between the true funerary ones, considered both as an offering to the deceased (like the cup and the unguentarium) to accompany her to life in the afterlife, and what belonged to the person, like ornaments or clothing items revealing the person's social status (fibula and pin).

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