Detailed sheets

Larger baptismal font

In the middle nave of the church where the baptismal rite took place, in the southern sector of Columbaris (fig. 1), there is a brick font shaped like a cross internally and a polygon externally (fig. 2).

Fig. 1 - Columbaris basilica area with indication of the baptistery basilica (drawing C. Cocco, F. Collu, from Cornus I, 1, p. 200, tab. II).
Fig. 2 - Baptismal font with hydraulic plaster still visible internally (photo by F. Collu).

The structure rises 50 cm above the basalt floor (fig. 3), and reaches 90 cm in depth internally. The assumption is that the bath had two stages: the primitive font was cruciform both inside and externally, with the East and West arms with respectively three and four steps. Later the inner shape remained the same while the outer one became a polygon with rounded corners (figs. 4-5).

Fig. 3 - Baptismal font, viewed from the North (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Above it there were six columns supporting a canopy and a smaller column assumed to be a stand, that is where holy items could be placed during the ritual. When the font was found, it still had three of the six marble and basalt drums, the bases and, in the adjacent area, some capitals. They found limestone fragments which were probably part of decoration on the tegurium trabeation (figs. 4-6). Based on font characteristics, the baptism would have been by immersion, so the person being baptised would have lowered him/herself into the font to be fully wet.

Fig. 4 - Baptismal bath surmounted on columns with raised water behind it. Viewed from the East (FARRIS 1993, p. 58).
Fig. 5 - Axonometry of the basilica: the baptismal font in the centre and the raised apse on the right (from FARRIS 1993, p. 102, Tab. 12).
Fig. 6 - Architectural limestone elements with geometric, red trachyte engravings (from SPANU 1998, p. 103).


The baptismal rite had a specific liturgy, regulated by strict times and modes. The sacrament was administered to adults, conscious of their choice, and from the V century to children, collectively on certain pre-set days, that is at Easter and the day of Pentecost.

The liturgical texts gave indications of how the rite was to take place. A diacon or an acolyte had to follow the person to be baptised into the bath to immerse him/her and the accompanying person had to be barefoot. After the baptism in the bath, the initiation rites continued with anointing and then the neophyte now faithful moved into the worship chamber to take part fully in the Eucharist.

As for baptismal fonts in Sardinia, a very strong relationship has been found with North African and Iberian baths, due to the presence of disused shapes in the peninsula and of canopies (like Tharros and Cornus) and small baths (like the smaller font in Cornus). Those of Tharros (fig, 7), Nurachi, Villaspeciosa (fig. 8), Cornus and perhaps Sant’Antioco respond to those characteristics.


Fig. 7 - Tharros, baptismal font (from
Fig. 8 - Villaspeciosa, San Cromazio: baptismal font (from


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