Detailed sheets

Cemetery area of Columbaris

The Columbaris area was used as a cemetery from the first half of the IV century: the burials dug into the mother bedrock were of the capuchin or enchytrismos type (fig. 1), some covered by a roadbed, others by plastered barrows, at times painted red (fig. 2).

Fig. 1 - Eastern cemetery area, South sector, tomb 87, seen from the East (from GIUNTELLA 1990, p. 217, fig. 3).
Fig. 2 - Barrow tomb 68 with slight traces of red paint, seen from the north (from GIUNTELLA et al. 1985, tab. III, 1).

Later, a cemetery basilica was built covering, and at times cutting, tombs located in the same area; while in the area to the East of the building, a terrace was created to hold new burials, conventionally called IV,1 (figs. 3-4).

Fig. 3 - Reconstruction of the funerary area (from Cornus I.1, p. 203, Tab. IV).
Fig. 4 - Map of the Columbaris-Cornus complex with indication of stages and sectors (drawing by L. SALADINO, M. C. SOMMA, from Cornus I.1, p. 200, tab. II).

From the mid IV century, they also used limestone sarcophagi; these were used for centuries with slight formal variants. It was only from the VI century that earth tombs were added outlined by phonolite pieces, often next to cemetery area containment structures. The deceased were laid on a funeral cushion, created on the bottom of the sarcophagus, or made using pottery or stone material; at times some were inserted in different positions due to the presence of other bodies in the same deposition. At the end of the V century, the lack of new burial space in sector IV,1 caused the funerary area to be extended to the southern sector - called IV,2 - to the East of the Episcopal basilica and the baptismal one built at least from the V century. The bedrock was flattened and marly limestone sarcophagi were placed in it, some really large. The arrangement of burials in that sector is in groups or rows, probably wanting to differentiate by family nucleus. Other peculiarities can be found in both the presence of ossuaries inside the tombs, as in sarcophagus 138, in which the bones were collected at the feet of the deceased, and in the consistent presence of pottery and glass material found all over the area, especially related to refrigerium devices.

They stopped using the area in the second half of the VII century, probably due to a vast fire which burned the basilicas causing them to collapse on the necropolis (fig. 5).

Fig. 5 - Cemetery area in its current state (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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