Islamic lamps
In the three rooms (η, θ, ι) located to the south of the Palace of Baldu, some glassy fragments have been found which may be linked to Syrian or Egyptian lamp production (fig. 1).
Some of these have been reassembled and show three bands of Arabic inscriptions in blue enamel and decorations: they could refer to the same artefact or to other samples. Below the epigraphic band of two fragments which fit together, there are two fish engraved. The three texts have been translated with:
“[…] and the victorious […]”
"Defender of the rib??" (fig. 1)
"[...] The Sultan, the wise, the righteous, the [l ...]" (fig. 2).
These are titles, such as Sultan, which refer to important figures whose name was not given and which are interpreted as sentences expressing a dedication (fig. 3).
The fragments have been compared with Arab glass artefacts which have decorations and Islamic inscriptions as their features: these are cups and glasses from the XIII century found in other Italian regions, or mosque lamps or Syrian-Egyptian enamelled containers, dating back to between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries (figs. 4-5).
- F. PINNA, Archeologia del territorio in Sardegna. La Gallura tra tarda antichità e medioevo, Cagliari 2008, p. 123.
- F. PINNA, D. CORDA, Scambi e circuiti commerciali nella Sardegna medievale: dati archeologici dal Palazzo di Baldu (Luogosanto, Olbia-Tempio), in Bulletin de la Société des sciences historiques et naturelles de la Corse, 2014, pp. 748-749.
- F. PINNA, D. CORDA, Rappresentazione del potere, relazioni politiche e commerciali nel giudicato di Gallura. Il contributo dell’indagine archeologica del Palazzo di Baldu (Luogosanto, OT), in Atti del VII Congresso di Archeologia Medievale (Lecce, 9-12 settembre 2015).
- F. PINNA, D. MUSIO, Il vetro nella Sardegna medievale: nuovi dati dall'indagine archeologica del Palazzo di Baldu (Luogosanto, OT), in A. COSCARELLA (a cura di), Il vetro in Italia: testimonianze, produzioni, commerci in età bassomedievale. Il vetro in Calabria: vecchie scoperte, nuove acquisizioni, XV Giornate di studio sul vetro AIHV (Arcavacata di Rende, 9-11 giugno 2011), Arcavacata di Rende 2012, pp. 315-329.