Bread-making installations in the Casa di Talco (tabun-oven)
Daily life of people in a human community and its main food are extremely linked to bread and its production.
In Monte Sirai, evidence has been found of large terracotta ovens called tannur, tabounas or tabunas (The name tabun is also used for the type of bread made in these containers), in particular in the ‘Casa del lucernario di talco’ (figs. 1-2), where a reconstruction of this type of oven now stands (fig. 3). Similar containers, but which are higher, with a smaller hole and thicker walls are used to produce iron.

It is a kind of terracotta jar, still used to bake bread in the more traditional North Africa. In the Phoenician and Punic world, they sometimes have fingermarks pressed around the outer edge.
Disks of flour mixed with water were placed inside from the upper opening of the oven and stuck to the walls. Inside, stones or a grille were placed above the embers, which were introduced and kept hot by insufflation and ventilation through an external opening at the bottom of the oven. The bread, baked on one side, fell onto the inner base and was then collected and turned to stick to the wall again, until baked on both sides.

The presence of millstones in other parts of the Monte Sirai settlement and these ovens indicate the carrying out of a full cycle of transformation of cereals, right up to making bread and eating it.
- P. BARTOLONI, Monte Sirai, Sassari.
- L. CAMPANELLA, Il cibo nel mondo fenicio e punico d’Occidente. Una indagine sulle abitudini alimentari attraverso l’analisi di un deposito urbano di Sulky in Sardegna, Pisa-Roma.
- L. CAMPANELLA, I forni, i fornelli e i bracieri fenici e punici, in J. Bonetto, G. Falezza, R. Ghiotto, Nora. Il Foro romano, Storia di un’area urbana dall’età fenicia alla tarda antichità, 1997-2006. Volume II.1 - I materiali preromani, Padova, pp. 469-567.
- F. DI GENNARO, A. DEPALMAS, FORNI, Teglie e piastre fittili per la cottura: aspetti formali e funzionali in contesti archeologici ed etnografici, in BAR International series, 2235 (Atti del 4° Convegno nazionale di Etnoarcheologia, Roma, 17-19 maggio 2006), Oxford, pp. 56-61.
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