San Fulgenzio of Ruspe
Fulgenzio was born in Thelepte (currently Medinet-el Kedima, in Tunisia) perhaps in 467. He belonged to a rich Roman family, the Gordiani family, that were settled in Carthage. As a young man, thanks to his intelligence and preparation, he was appointed as tax collector for his province. He was raised by his mother in the Christian faith and dedicated himself to religious life, inspired by the reading of a sermon by Sant’Agostino. After becoming a monk, he spent some time in Sicily and Rome, and then returned to his homeland where he founded a monastery and became the abbot. In 507 or 508 he was appointed Bishop of Ruspe (fig. 1).

The Vandal king Trasamondo, who was of Aryan religion (Aryanism was a trinity doctrine, considered heretic, that spread around 320, according to which Christ was inferior by authority and dignity to the Father), exiled him together with another 60 catholic bishops in Sardinia. In Cagliari, Fulgenzio founded a monastery at the church of San Saturnino. He was recalled by Trasamondo in 515, for a dispute with the Aryans. He was exiled again in 517 circa, and returned to his homeland in 523, during the reign of the Vandal king Ilderico. He died in Ruspe in 527.
Fulgenzio (figs. 2-3) was a follower and defender of the Augustinian doctrines of grace and, as a theologian, wrote trinitarian-Christological content in defence of Aryan heresy.
His life was described in a work dated around 533, which was anonymous, but attributed to the Deacon Ferrando, his pupil, who followed him into exile in Cagliari. Ferrando returned to Africa in 523, and became the deacon of Carthage, and perhaps also the bishop.

- M. ATZEI, San Fulgenzio da Ruspe: la formazione agostiniana e la città di Cagliari, Cagliari 2014.
- F. LAI, L’Africa di Fulgenzio: città, territorio e popolamento, in Lingua et ingenium. Studi su Fulgenzio di Ruspe e il suo contesto. Studi e ricerche di cultura religiosa. Nuova Serie (7), Ortacesus-Cagliari 2010, pp. 427-452.
- Y. MODERAN, La chronologie de la Vie de saint Fulgence de Ruspe et ses incidences sur l'histoire de l'Afrique vandale, in Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, tomo 105, 1 (1993) pp. 135–188.
- Ferrand diacre de Carthage. Vie de saint Fulgence de Ruspe, ed. par G.G. LAPEYRE, Paris 1929.