Detailed sheets

Inscriptions in Arabic

The Basilica of San Saturnino is one of the oldest Christian buildings in Sardinia. Its present appearance is the result of the changes, restructuring and decline which occurred over the centuries.

Inside the inner wall of the small left nave of the eastern transept of the basilica (fig. 1), consisting of a great deal of reused material, there is a walled ashlar made of local limestone, 1.50 m wide and 0.78 m high, where an inscription in Kufic script, irregularly arranged on four lines, is recognisable, although with a certain difficulty due to its poor state of repair (figs. 2-3).

The text is still under investigation, but an initial proposal for dating the artefact is oriented towards between the first half of the ninth and the second half of the tenth century, on the basis of some comparisons within the European context, and by analogy with the funerary inscriptions found in the area outside the basilica. The two examples prove the local existence of Arabic speakers professing the Muslim religion, who perhaps shared their funerary spaces and the cult of Saint Saturnino with the Christians.

Fig. 1 - Inside the church, on the left wall there is the ashlar with the Kufic inscription (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 2 - The ashlar with the etched Kufic inscription (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - Detail of the Kufic letters (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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