
Small statue portraying St. Paul

Sarcophagus tomb 107 was identified in the cemetery area of Columbaris, to the east of the Episcopal complex. That burial contained a body and subsequently, between the VI and VII century, a space was created in it as an ossuary, to hold the remains of another eight individuals. Alongside the ossuary, covered by kitchenware fragments arranged to protect it, they found a small bronze statue dated IV-V A.D. interpreted as St Paul (figs. 1-2).

Fig. 1 - Small statue of St Paul from Cornus (photo by N. Monari-RA_00162653/R.A.S.).
Fig. 2 - Small statue of St Paul from Cornus: profile (photo by N. Monari-RA_00162653/R.A.S.).

Kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, the bronze statue measures 9.4 cm and portrays a character dressed in a tunic and pallium cassock, whose age is highlighted by wrinkles covering the face, a strongly highlighted hook nose, thick beard and moustache and baldness. The statue has large hands: the right hand open in sign of welcome, the left holding a volumen - the roll of Laws - to clarify his role as a philosopher. The object was probably part of a liturgical oil lamp, through comparison with a lamp found in Rome and kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence (fig. 3). This, shaped like a ship, represents the ship of the Church with St Paul seated at the rudder and St Peter standing in the bow. In the Cornus bronze artefact, it is assumed that St Paul was standing in the bow. The artefact was produced by Eastern crafts shops and was part of a category of items which circulated in the Mediterranean from the Byzantine areas. A group of similar bronze oil lamps can be found in the Museum of Cagliari (figs. 4-6).

Fig. 3 - Bronze ship-shaped oil lamp (from IOZZO 2012, p. 255).
Fig. 4 - Lamp with stand and handle with spirals (from PANI ERMINI, ZUCCA 1989, p. 271, fig. 38)
Fig. 5 - Ship-shaped oil lamp, with loop surmounted by cross and dolphin-shaped lock (from PANI ERMINI, ZUCCA 1989, p. 272, fig. 39).

The original function of the statue was as liturgical decoration for the cathedral and its being reused after centuries inside a tomb reveals strong devotion to St Paul as an intercessor. The hypothesis that the veneration was well extended is supported by finding a fragmentary epigraph mentioning Santa Maria, San Giovanni and San Paolo in the northern sacristy of the main basilica: It is possible that a basilica was dedicated to each saint, that is the cathedral to the Madonna, the baptistery to St John the Baptist and the cemetery basilica to St Paul (fig. 7).

Fig. 6 - Bronze oil lamp with handle in griffon-shaped protome surmounted by the cross (from PANI ERMINI, ZUCCA 1989, p. 272, fig. 40).
Fig. 7 - Fragment of epigraph containing the letters interpreted as “Sanctus Paulus” (from MASTINO 1984, pp. 17, Tab. XLVII, fig. 2).

The Pauline iconography with its distinctive traits can be found in works of various kinds,  including further attributes added during the centuries. His image is found in catacomb frescoes (fig. 8) or in various relief on stone (fig. 9) and ivory (fig. 10), statues (figs. 11-12) and glass artefacts (figs. 13).

Fig. 8 - Ad decimum catacomb on the via Latina (
Fig. 9 - Relief with the embrace of Peter and Paolo da Aquileia, Early Christian Museum of Aquileia (
Fig. 10 - London, British Museum, ivory (V century): Tecla listens to the words of Paul (from ZIMMERMANN 2010, p. 676, fig. 6).
Fig. 11-12 - Head of the pseudo Plotino-Paolo kept in the Ostienses Museum (;


Fig. 13 - IV century glass from Rome, Sacred Museum of the Vatican Library (


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