Baptistery basilica
In the southern sector of Columbaris, you have the baptistery or smaller basilica, connected and communicating with the cathedral (figs. 1-2). Built between the IV and V century, it had a longitudinal three-nave plant with West facing apse (fig. 3).

From the basilica you entered the cathedral through two doors (fig. 2) and the naves were divided by pillars and columns. The brick font is in the centre; internally it is cross-shaped and externally a polygon. There was a canopy with six columns above the bath. In the left nave, almost next to where baptisms were performed, there was a large basalt cistern: It was probably needed for the pre-baptismal baths (fig. 4). The deep apse was raised by four steps (fig. 5): above there was a structure with recess placed obliquely, and we still do not know what it was used for (fig. 6).

Over the centuries, the chamber and its surrounding area went through several changes: the eastern door was walled up, service areas were created to the sides of the apse and a cistern was built to the East of the church, supplying water to the baptistery. The southern sacristy had stairs to access the apse, a small closet and benches on three sides. To the West of the diaconicon there were buildings used to prepare the catechumens; these then went into the church when the rite was to take place. The columns would have delimited the path of the neophytes. Between the end of the V and start of the VI century, the chamber was restructured and made cruciform, with a central cupola, at the intersection of the four arms. That fact leads to a series of worship buildings datable between the VI and VII century, present both in Africa (like in Sbeitla, fig. 7) and Sardinia, such as San Saturnino of Cagliari (fig. 8), San Giovanni of Sinis (fig. 9) and Sant’Antioco of the town of the same name (fig. 10). The church was probably abandoned at the end of the VII start of the VIII century, as the structured collapsed because of a fire which affected all Cornus religious buildings (fig. 11).

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