Detailed sheets

The megaron temple A

The first digs carried out involved the “Megaron temple 1”, built with blocks of granite and schist of various sizes and of a sub-rectangular shape, divided into four environments with the entrance to the south, 17 metres long and with a width of 5.50 to 6.50 metres (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Interior of the megaron temple 1 (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The monument underwent two separate building phases, that, after a fire in the 12th-11th century B.C., led to a new division of the internal space, the rebuilding of the façade and rear part of an older in antis building, i.e. with vertical pillars at the front and rear that jut out at the extremities of the building walls (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Detail of the rear view of the megaron 1 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The internal perimeter walls, plastered and jutting outwards, have a skirting jutting at the base of the wall, also used as a bench and/or table. It has been hypothesized that originally, the building was covered by a sloping roof supported by wooden beams and integrated by schist slabs.

Fig. 3 - Hypothesis of the reconstruction of sloping roof of the megaron 1 (By FADDA 2012, p.age 13, fig. 14).

The water used during the ritual ablutions flowed out of the building via a rectangular opening on the right side of the second room, and flowed into a canal.

The many materials found that were used in worship date the megaron in the period between the 12th and 11th century B.C.


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  • FADDA M.A., Antichi sardi purificati. Atto secondo, in Archeologia Viva, Firenze gennaio 2011.
  • FADDA M.A., Il villaggio santuario di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros, Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari , 48, Sassari 2012.
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  • FADDA M.A., Villagrande Strisaili. Il santuario nuragico di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros e le insulae degli artigiani fusori, in Nel segno dell’acqua. Santuari e bronzi votivi della Sardegna nuragica, Sassari 2014, pp. 199-227.
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