Photo gallery

The landscape of the Rio Interabbas valley between the Recent Bronze Age and the Iron Age

The landscape of the Rio Interabbas valley between the Recent Bronze Age and the Iron Age

The temenos from the megaron 1 temple

The temenos from the megaron 1 temple

The living quarter

The living quarter

Insula 2

Insula 2

The temenos in the Megaron B temple

The temenos in the Megaron B temple

The megaron 2 temple

The megaron 2 temple

Metal craft activities

Metal craft activities

The megaron 3 temple

The megaron 3 temple

Transhumance routes

Transhumance routes

The blocks of huts in the settlement (insulae)

The blocks of huts in the settlement (insulae)

The stone and the architecture

The stone and the architecture

The first worship site

The first worship site
