Detailed sheets


The characteristic of these weapons was to have the metal part, suitable for injuring, placed at the end of a long hard wood pole (fig. 1). These developed during the Middle Ages within the plebeian environment, inspired by farm instruments.

The battle-axe and the bill, for example, were perfected until their evolvement into the halberd, the partisan spear and the ranseur. The ease of production of these weapons enabled various types of blades to be fitted to the poles, with different sizes and shapes (fig. 2).

Although the pole is not excessively long, it had to be used with both hands and enabled hitting an opponent without being in direct contact with him.

These were the weapons used by the infantry formations, which possessed neither armour nor horses and therefore faced the enemy horsemen by closing ranks and creating a tangle of blades which was difficult to overcome (fig. 3).

The lance, in particular, was also used by knights (fig. 4).

Fig. 1 - Polearms (from
Fig. 2 - 1 - Framea (V century); 2 - Norman Javelin; 3 - Spear (XV cent.); 4 - Mercenary spear; 5 - Pike; 6 - Steel Lance (1890); 7 - Ahlspiess or Awlpike; 8 - Ranseur 9 - Spear with guards; 10 - Spike; 11 - Spike with guards; 12 - Falchion; 13 - War bill-hook; 14 - War bill-hook; 15 - Swiss halberd (XV cent.); 16 - Halberd (XV century); 17 - Halberd (XVI century); 18 - War Falchion; 19 - Krakuse; 20 - Guisarme; 21 - Fork with hooks; 22 - Double fork. (From
Fig. 3 - Halberd (from VIOLLET LE DUC, fig. 11, page 347).
Fig. 4 - Short lance (from VIOLLET LE DUC, fig. 18, page 397).



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  • A. MONREVERDE, E. BELLI, Castrum Kalaris. Baluardi e soldati a Cagliari dal Medioevo al 1899, Cagliari 2003.
  • E.E. VIOLLET LE DUC, Encyclopédie Médiévale, Tome II, Tours 2002.
  • A. MONTEVERDE, G. FOIS, Milites. Atti del Convegno, Saggi e Contributi (Cagliari, 20-21 dicembre 1996), Cagliari 1996.
  • M. TROSO, Le armi in asta delle fanterie europee, 1000-1500: con uno studio esemplificativo delle coeve tattiche di combattimento e tecniche di impiego e una trattazione dettagliata su roncole, ronche, ronconi, Novara 1988.
