Flat-bottomed cups
During the Nuragic Age on Monte Idda, there was a nuraghe with a village next to it, of which only a few remains still exist. Archaeological searches have recovered a lot of pottery referring to the period between the 16th and 13th century B.C.
The carenated cups are terracotta containers used daily, normally with a handle and used to drink. Items of this type (fig. 1) were found in the entire area of the monument and differ in the position of the carenated bottom (sharp edge or just visible, or visible only on outside) and the height and shape of the neck (almost vertical, bending inwards and turned to the outside; fig. 2). The cups are modelled by hand, with a very careful finish of the details. The handles, when present, are bands (fig. 3); some examples have small grips with or without a hole, applied on the carina. One cup is different to the others as it has four diametrally opposite grips on the line of the carina, and has bulges on the lower part of the outer surface (fig. 4).

- A. CORDA, M. FRAU, Ceramica. La produzione della Sardegna preistorica, Cagliari 2001.
- M.A. FADDA, Il nuraghe Monte Idda di Posada e la ceramica a pettine in Sardegna, in W.H. WALDREN et alii, The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripheral Areas. BAR International Series 229, pp. 671-702.
- M.A. FADDA, Posada: preistoria sarda all’ombra di un castello. Archeologia Viva 85, pp. 88-93.
- M.A. FADDA, Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Nuoro. Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari 17, Sassari 2006.