The Monte Idda Nuraghe
A nuraghe with the same name once stood near the village of Posada, on a rocky outcrop of Monte Idda, now almost entirely destroyed. Currently there are remains of roughly hewn medium and large masonry blocks in rows, which reach a maximum height of 2 metres (figs. 1-3).

A masonry base relating to a hut was unearthed south of the monument, built over a stone filling, which may be accessed by a flight of six steps. Some hearths have been excavated at the centre of the two structures, and these have yielded abundant ceramic material: several pans with a truncated cone shape are worth mentioning (figs. 4-5). These containers were decorated inside with geometric motifs made with a comb-like tool, which was swiped or imprinted on the surface of the artefact. The study of the finds and their comparison with other contexts has brought to light elements useful for a dating in the period between the sixteenth and the thirteenth centuries B.C.

- M.A. FADDA, Il nuraghe Monte Idda di Posada e la ceramica a pettine in Sardegna, in W.H. WALDREN et alii, The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripheral Areas. BAR International Series 229, pp. 671-702.
- M.A. FADDA, Posada: preistoria sarda all’ombra di un castello. Archeologia Viva 85, pp. 88-93.
- M.A. FADDA, Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Nuoro. Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari 17, Sassari 2006.