The gates to the village
The fortified village of Posada could be accessed through two gates.
The main one, called Sa Porta, opened in the western part of the city’s south wall (fig. 1).

The passage is still well preserved and consists of a depressed arch (fig. 2). In the inner facade, the old overhead walkway where the guards kept watch over the passage is still visible above the arch. The image also identifies the remains of a Guelph-type battlement above the depressed arch. At the moment it is not possible to check the stretch of wall where the door opened because this has been incorporated by the expansion of the city centre.

The second gate, called Sa Corva (fig. 1) is characterised by a massive quadrangular structure, in whose exterior facade a first access rounded arch with its window opens (fig. 3).

A second arch, a segmental one, forms the inside part (fig. 4): this is where the access road narrows, making defence easier in case of enemy attack.

- M. CADINU, Il progetto della città nella Sardegna medievale, in G. MURA, A. SANNA, Paesi e Città della Sardegna. II. Le città, Cagliari 1999, pp. 91-101.
- M. CADINU, Urbanistica medievale in Sardegna, Roma 2001.
- A. CASTELLACCIO, Note sul castello de La Fava di Posada, in Medioevo. Saggi e rassegne, 15, pp. 55-84.
- G. FLORIS, Il castello medioevale della Fava (Posada), in Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia, 29, pp. 257-297.
- A. SANCIU, Posada. Centro storico. Recupero di materiali archeologici, in Erentzias. Rivista della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le province di Sassari e Nuoro, I, pp. 376-377.
- G. ZIROTTU, Posada. Un borgo sardo e il suo castello, Nuoro 1999.