Enchytrismos Tomb
A good number of enchytrismos burials have been found in the necropolis of Sulky, a type of tomb which was used as early as prehistoric times, when at times it was necessary to use large jars (ziri) as burial vessels (fig. 1), while in Punic, Roman and Christian times amphorae were used, particularly for burying children.

When the amphora was used for infants who died at an early age, it was cut vertically to allow the insertion of the body; the cut part was then joined up and then it was placed inside a pit (fig. 2).

In the case of adult burials, as the amphorae were too small to contain the body, they used two, which, once cut from the shoulder diagonally and then again vertically in order to allow the body to be inserted, were united so as to form a single container for the body (fig. 3).

As concerns the Punic Age, the enchytrismos burial appears during the latter part of the sixth century B.C. and endures until the beginning of the fourth century A.D. It was carried out with large commercial amphorae where the children were buried and then placed in a dedicated area within the necropolis.
During the Roman Empire, the most used amphorae for burying the dead were the Tripoli type, the African I type and the African II, which were originally used to transport oil and other products, including a fish sauce which the Romans were particularly fond of, the garum. They document Sulky's relationship with Africa (fig. 4).

Only a few cases of burials of this type still have their accompanying grave goods. This is the case of tomb 146 in the necropolis of Sulky, where they had been placed partly inside and partly outside the enchytrismòs.
The conservation status of the amphorae is often compromised, so it is not always easy to identify the type, but in any case they supply general guidelines concerning their history which places them between the second century and the fourth century A.D. The enchytrismos for burying infants continued in the early Christian Age, a period during which the amphorae were often placed in niches inside the catacombs.
- P. BARTOLONI, I Fenici e i Cartaginesi in Sardegna, Sassari 2009.
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- E. CRUCCAS, Aspetti culturali della Nurra di età storica. Il caso delle cosiddette sepolture a enchytrismòs in E. CICU, A. GAVINI, M. SECHI, (a cura di), Alta formazione e ricerca in Sardegna. Atti del Convegno di Studi “Giovani Ricercatori”(Sassari, 16 dicembre 2011), Raleigh 2014, pp. 65-77.
- G. MAETZKE, Florinas (Sassari). Necropoli a enkytrismòs in località Cantaru Ena = Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità 1964, pp. 280-314.
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- C. VISMARA, Un particolare tipo di sepoltura della Sardegna Romana: le tombe a enchytrismòs in Le sepolture in Sardegna dal IV al VII secolo. IV Convegno sull’archeologia tardoromana e altomedievale (Cuglieri, 27-28 giugno 1987), Oristano 1990, pp. 33-35.