Memorial stone
The sculptures offered by the tophet in Tharros are varied; one category that has been preserved has been so far found to be unique to Sardinia.
The sculpture shows a square stone with the lower part tapered towards the top, crowned by a jutting cornice that defines the top edge (figs. 1-3). This has a reverse direction, jutting out towards the outside, with a flat top. The front wall carries a sun circle in relief work The back wall of the stone shows traces of red paint.

One particular characteristic of the Tharros tophet, making it different from other Sardinian tophets, is the presence of large stones, simple, as in this example, or decorated in the upper part with other elements. Comparisons, although not identical, can be found outside the island, in Mozia in Sicily and in Carthage (fig. 4).

The stone belongs to class VI of the Tore classification (fig. 5).

The stratigraphy of the Mozia tophet has dated the Tharros monument between the end of the 6th and the start of the 5th century B.C. As well as in the tophet, memorial stones were also used in the necropolises, as can be seen here, probably from the northern necropolis in Tharros, with an inscription that states “tomb of B’LZBL, wife of ZRBL, son of MQM”, dated to the 4th century B.C. (fig. 6).

- P. BARTOLONI, Le stele arcaiche del tofet di Cartagine, Roma 1976
- S. MOSCATI, Stele monumentali puniche scoperte a Tharros, in S. MOSCATI, Scritti fenici minori, Roma 1988, pp. 389-410
- S. MOSCATI, M.L.UBERTI, Scavi al tophet di Tharros. I monumenti lapidei, Roma 1985
- G. TORE, Le stele puniche del tophet di Tharros (Sardegna). Nota preliminare, in Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 35, 1975, pp. 127-132.
- M.L.UBERTI, Fenici e Punici in Sardegna, In F. LO SCHIAVO (ed.), Il Museo Sanna in Sassari, Milano 1986.