The temple of inscriptions or Temple K
Halfway up the western side of the San Giovanni hill, which is dominated by the tower of the same name, there is a base in sandstone blocks supporting a small temple, known as temple K, and a portico (figs. 1-3).
There were steps from the bottom of the hill, which have now almost completely disappeared, that led to the small temple K, rectangular in shape, with two pillars on the front and accessed via 5 steps (figs. 4-5)
The altar decorated with an Egyptian molded cornice can be found at the back of the temple.
There is a small portico next to the temple K that was widely renovated during the Roman Empire Era, to making dwellings. The Egyptian molding decorations found in the collapsed area along the slopes must have come from its first phase.
The temple-portico complex dates back to the Roman Republic Era, during the 2nd century B.C., but the presence of some sandstone blocks that have been reused and which carry an inscription in Punic letters “.... Ha ascoltato la sua voce...” makes the hypothesis of a previous holy building, dismantled to erect temple K and the portico, likely.
- E. ACQUARO, Nuove ricerche a Tharros, in Atti del I Congresso internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici, Roma 1983, pp. 625-628.
- E. ACQUARO, Sardegna, in S. MOSCATI (ed.), I Fenici, Milano 1988, pp. 210-225
- E. ACQUARO, Tharros tra Fenicia e Cartagine, in Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici, Roma 1991, pp. 537-558
- E. ACQUARO, C. FINZI, Tharros, Sassari 1986
- G. PESCE, Tharros, Cagliari 1966
- R. ZUCCA, Tharros, Oristano 1984