The area in the Roman Age
During the Roman Age, the whole area inland of Tharros shows plenty of traces of human inhabitation, linked to agricultural activities and places of worship.
Generally, these are not very evident, as the materials used for constructions easily deteriorated, and have also been obliterated by Modern Era agricultural work.
There are however more conspicuous settlements, that we could reconstruct as small villages: for example, the settlement on the current site of San Salvatore di Cabras, were the remains of a corn seed warehouse were found and where the ruins of a small thermal baths building can be seen (figs 1-3).

Very probably, this small centre sprung up due to an ancient hypogeum place of worship dedicated to a water spring, that continued to be frequented in the Roman Era and in the 4th century A.D., was painted with pictures of gods and goddesses (figs- 4-5)

In addition to this more evident proof, there are still traces of a widespread human presence in the area, marked by small rural places of worship and necropolises dotted among the fields. The tiny remains of houses have been lost due to the poor materials used and the intense agricultural activity in Modern Times.
We can reconstruct a widespread use of the countryside that led back to Tharros as the centre which received the foodstuffs and partly consumed them, and partly distributed them through its sea trade.
- A. BEDINI, Lo scavo, in A. BEDINI ET ALII, Giganti di pietra, Cagliari 2012, pp. 200-205.
- A. DONATI, R. ZUCCA, L'ipogeo di San Salvatore, Sassari 1992.
- V. SANTONI ET ALII, Cabras – Cuccuru S’Arriu – Nota preliminare di scavo, in Rivista di Studi Fenici, X, 1982, pp. 37-127.