Painted stone box tomb
The archaeological site of San Saturnino is located in the eastern part of the city of Cagliari, an area which in ancient times stood outside the city limits and was part of the necropolis extending east of the town, from today's Viale Regina Margherita up to the Bonaria hill. Here you can still see the surviving evidence of the necropolis and the Basilica dedicated to the martyr Saturnino.
A stone box grave (figs. 1-2), i.e. consisting of a limestone case covered by bricks, plastered and decorated with a floral pattern along the short side and the bottom part of a peacock on the preserved area of the long side, delimited by a red band, is located in the north-western part of the necropolis; unfortunately it is in a very poor condition. Difficult to date, it may relate to the fifth-sixth centuries at most. The degradation of its current state is due to the presence of groundwater in the subsoil, which causes a gradual subsidence of the ground and the structures. The presence of the peacock’s image allows us to imagine that the owners were Christians (figs. 3-4) as the peacock was in fact the Christian symbol of resurrection and eternal life (the feathers of this animal fall in autumn and are reborn in the spring).

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