

Most of the amphorae found in Cornus come from the cemetery area of Columbaris, in secondary position; that is after being used as a container they were reused as enchytrismos graves or recovered in filling and levelling layers.

African productions predominate (figs. 1-2), followed by eastern amphorae and of Iberian origin; there are fewer of those from the Aegean and Southern Italy. Those containers permit the reconstruction of a trading framework which shows there were few trading relations between the Cornus centre and Southern Italy, while it shows northern Africa as the main interlocutor.

Fig. 1 - African amphorae used in tombs 97 (on the right) and 87 (on the left), (from MARCHETTI 2000, p. 308, figs. 3-4).
Fig. 2 - Columbaris, amphora used in tomb 97 for a child's burial (from CUGLIERI I, tab. LXI).

Through the amphorae, this area also spread a series of products contained in them such as oil, wine, garum, perfumes and other pottery items placed in the holds of cargo ships with them. Other important commercial interlocutors were the East (see fig. 3) and the Iberian peninsula (see fig. 4), from where the ships reached Sardinia.

Fig. 3 - Late Roman Amphora 1 (from
Fig. 4 - Iberian amphorae of the type Almagro 51 C and drawings (from

Between the IV and VII century A.D., trading relations reached their peak. Being used as graves continues until the VI century, especially as enchytrismos for children, for mound tombs (fig. 5) and earth ones: the container was used almost entirely.

Fig. 5 - Columbaris, enchytrismos dominated by the tumulus (t. 68): section of view from above in transparency (from GIUNTELLA et al. 1985, p. 20, fig. 9).



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