Seven crucifixes were found in the central crypt of Sant’Eulalia, among the burial grave goods, showing the death of Christ.
One of these (fig. 1) shows signs of being fixed to a wooden chest: hollow in the rear part, still with a small nail in his right hand, permitting him to be nailed to the wood.

Fig. 1 - Bronze crucifix (photo by AFS).
Other examples were attached to the shroud, as they still have shreds of cloth on the back (figs. 2-4); in one case - the shroud fabric covers the crucifix in sign of reverence and devotion to preserve the body of the dead Christ (fig. 2). Metal specimens were found both near some burials, and in earth layers filling spaces between them.

Fig. 2 - Crucifix with fabric (photo by Unicity).

Fig. 3 - Detail of two crucifixes displayed (photo by Unicity).Detail of one crucifix (photo by Unicity).

Fig. 4 - Detail of one crucifix (photo by Unicity).
- R. MURGIA, Crocifissi, n. 13, in R. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU (a cura di), Cagliari, le radici di Marina: dallo scavo archeologico di S. Eulalia un progetto di ricerca formazione e valorizzazione, Cagliari 2002, p. 163.
- F. PINNA, Il corredo funerario nella Sardegna post-medievale: la cripta della chiesa di S. Eulalia a Cagliari, in S. LUSUARDI SIENA, Fonti archeologiche e iconografiche per la storia e la cultura degli insediamenti nell’altomedioevo. Atti delle giornate di studio (Milano-Vercelli, 21-22 marzo 2002) = Contributi di Archeologia, 3, Milano 2003, pp. 323-335.