Several chalice fragments (figs. 1-3) were found in the layers deposited over the centuries on the Sant’Eulalia archaeological area. They have a circular foot with a more or less rounded edge and a tubular section, a more or less low and slim stem. At times, they were used as tableware, at others as lamps hanging from the ceiling or as grave goods in funerary contexts. The predominant glass colours go from light green to light blue. No specimens were found intact.

The chalices - recipients used as crockery or tableware were produced as of the IV century, but are found more often as of the V, and were used most between the VI and the VIII, while production started to decrease progressively until it stopped in the XIV century. They were made by free blowing (fig. 4) or were modelled by hand (fig. 5).

These items are found in various Sardinia locations (fig. 6), Sicilian (for example Pantelleria) and in numerous early medieval peninsular towns.

They are assumed to be local production; even though it is only possible to document production in Torcello, a small island in the Venetian lagoon, between the VII and VIII centuries.
- M. G. ARRU, Vetri, in R. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU, Scavi sotto la chiesa di S. Eulalia a Cagliari. Notizie preliminari, in AM, 29, 2002, pp. 321-323.
- R. BALDASSARRI, La produzione della ceramica a Pantelleria e la sua circolazione in età tardoantica, tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Sassari, a.a. 2010-2011.
- A. CATTE, Analisi delle sepolture, dei materiali, dei resti scheletrici. Schede (T4; T5; T97; T12; T19; T25), in Luce sul tempo, pp. 108; 129; 147; 158; 163; 170.
- N. GUISO, Vetri, nn. 78-79, in MARTORELLI, MUREDDU 2002a, pp. 138-143.
- C. ISINGS, Roman Glass from dated Finds, Groningen 1957.
- D. SALVI, (a cura di), Luce sul tempo. La necropoli di Pill’ ‘e Matta Quartucciu, Cagliari 2005, pp. 121-123.
- D. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU (a cura di), Cagliari, le radici di Marina: dallo scavo archeologico di S. Eulalia un progetto di ricerca formazione e valorizzazione, Cagliari 2002.
- R. MARTORELLI, D. MUREDDU (a cura di), Archeologia urbana a Cagliari. Scavi in Vico III Lanusei (1996-1997), Cagliari 2006.
- D. MUSIO, Bicchieri a calice, in MARTORELLI, MUREDDU 2006, pp. 315-329.
- C. PEZZATO, Studio di alcuni reperti mobili provenienti dallo scavo di Loppio S. Andrea (TN), Settore A, Ann. Mus. civ. Rovereto, 21, 2006, pp. 41-86.
- D. STIAFFINI, La suppellettile in vetro, in Ad Mensam, pp. 189-227.