Bricks and hamatae tiles
In the Sant’Eulalia archaeological area, various fragments have been found, no specimens intact, of tiles (fig. 1), roof tiles (fig. 2b), bricks (fig. 2a), fictile pipes and hamatae tiles (fig. 6).

The numerous fragments of terracotta and Roman roof tiles (figs. 1b - 3) come from the roofs on houses collapsing (fig. 4).

The function of the two fictile types (fig. 1b, fig. 2), often associated, is to preserve the underlying masonry, by draining rainwater. On their rear side, the bricks (fig. 1b) often have the imprint of the lattice (see fig. 1a) they were laid on to be dried. The fictile pipes (fig. 5) are the ancient piping; while the hamatae or mammate (fig. 6) are still visible fixed to the stretch of wall behind the colonnade, used to create an air chamber to insulate wall coverings against the damp. They get their name from the presence of four or five protuberances. They are not easy to date as those items are repeated without morphological changes over the centuries. Based on the items found associated to them we could establish a wide time gap going from the Late Antiquity period to the early Middle Ages.

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