Detailed sheets

Portico (detail of columns)

In the most western part of the Sant’Eulalia archaeological area there was an imposing porticus (fig. 1), elegant link between the urban part and the port.

Fig. 1 - The porticus seen from the north (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The tall cabled columns (figs. 1-3) – with the lower part of the channelling filled with cable moulding, a cylindrical rod with a decorative function – placed at regular distances, supported the sloping roof covered with tiles and decorated with ante-fixes.

Fig. 2 - Detail of the cabled columns (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)
Fig. 3 - Detail of stucco on columns (photo by Unicity S.p.A.)

The limestone columns stood on marble bases (fig. 4), but the portions remaining measure about 0.90m, with an average diameter of 0.60m.

Fig. 4 - Detail of the marble bases (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

What can still be seen enables us to distinguish the different finishing stages through the presence of finished sections and other incomplete ones. Some elements lead us to hypothesise reuse, as in the case of drums, while most of what remains can be compared with imperial Roman era works. The back wall was the backdrop for those carrying out social activities in the shade of the portico, capturing the attention through the colour scheme created on its inner surfaces painted in vivid colours, small grey marble plates at the bottom and limestone fragments covered with white stucco on the opposite side.



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