Detailed sheets

Circle No. 1

The dolmen circle n. 1 in the small necropolis of Li Muri (fig. 1), attributable to the megalithic-type of funerary architecture, consists of a series of masonry circles, in whose centre is placed a simple funerary quadrangular stone chamber, called cista, NS oriented, and whose walls consisted of four large slabs fixed vertically in the ground, covered by a flat plate (figs. 2, 3). Inside it could contain one or at most two burials.

The diameter of the dolmen circle measures 6.40 metres. The whole monument was once covered by a round mound of earth and stones, almost as if to form a small hill.

Fig. 1 - Plan (from ANTONA, LO SCHIAVO, PERRA 2011, p. 242, fig. 1)..
Fig. 2 - Arzachena, Necropolis of Li Muri, circle 1 (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - Arzachena, Necropolis of Li Muri, lithic cista of circle 1 (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Only the stones of the double external walls and the cista contained therein remain of the entire circle. The small sized rubble it contains is all that remains today of the original mound (fig. 4).

Fig. 4 - Rendering of funerary circles (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The carenated soapstone cup with spool-shape handles (third millennium B.C.), preserved today at the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, comes from the funerary circle n. 1 as part of the deceased’s funerary goods consisting of lithic hatchets, an apple-shaped spheroid in greenish soapstone, a slicker in hard red stone, siliceous knives, a bone awl and several soapstone necklace beads (fig. 5).

Fig. 5 - Arzachena, Necropolis of Li Muri, soapstone vase (from ANTONA 2013, p. 82).


  • ANTONA RUIU A., La necropoli di Li Muri, in ANTONA RUIU A., FERRARESE CERUTI M.L., Il nuraghe Albucciu e i monumenti di Arzachena, Guide e itinerari, 19, Sassari 1992, pp. 25-29.
  • ANTONA A., LO SCHIAVO F., PERRA M., I tumuli nella Sardegna preistorica e protostorica, in NASO A. (a cura di), Tumuli e sepolture monumentali nella protostoria europea, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Celano 21-24 settembre 2000, RGZM-Tagungen, Band 5, Mainz 2011, pp. 237-258.
  • ANTONA A., Arzachena. Pietre senza tempo, Sassari 2013, pp. 72-83.
  • CASTALDI E., Arzachena. Loc. Li Muri, in I Sardi. La Sardegna dal Paleolitico all’Età Romana, Milano 1984, pp. 284-285.
  • LILLIU G., Arte e religione della Sardegna prenuragica, Sassari 1999, p. 340.
