The menhirs of Li Muri: the outer circle
In the perimeter circle of each tomb of Li Muri (figs. 1, 2), or nearby, there is a menhir, a Breton term indicating a stone (monolith) of various shape, often elongated, embedded vertically in the ground to mark, during the pre-Nuraghic period (the time span ranging from the sixth millennium B.C. to the late third millennium B.C.), places or monuments with a religious and / or funerary function.

Near the graves there are two other aniconic menhirs which face each other with a different shape and size, and which represent, according to Angela Antona, the two male and female life principles.
The menhir which marks tomb n. 5 was placed on the outside of the mound, to the right of the entrance, and is today in a slightly inclined position, at the centre of a rectangular space delimited by a series of small slabs stuck in the ground (fig. 3).

In Sardinia, the first menhirs appear in the Late Neolithic period (Ozieri Culture).
An oblong menhir, now overturned, was included in the stones at the base of the mound in the cista tomb with mound of La Macciunitta, still in the countryside of Arzachena.
- ANTONA RUIU A., La necropoli di Li Muri, in ANTONA RUIU A., FERRARESE CERUTI M.L., Il nuraghe Albucciu e i monumenti di Arzachena, Guide e itinerari, 19, Sassari 1992, pp. 25-29.
- ANTONA A., Arzachena. Pietre senza tempo, Sassari 2013, pp. 72-83.
- ANTONA A., LO SCHIAVO F., PERRA M., I tumuli nella Sardegna preistorica e protostorica, in A. NASO (a cura di), Tumuli e sepolture monumentali nella protostoria europea, Atti del convegno internazionale (Celano 21-24 settembre 2000), RGZM-Tagungen, Band 5, Mainz 2011, pp. 237-258.