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Other examples of circular tombs in Sardinia

The necropolis of Li Muri does not host the only examples of megalithic circles in Sardinia.

In fact, in the second half of the fourth millennium, megalith forms spread throughout the rest of the island, documented by, but not limited to, the megalithic circle of Su Corrazzu de Is Pillois, registered in the land registry of Guspini, presumably datable to the period between the second half of the third and the beginning of the second millennium B.C., and the necropolis of Pranu Mutteddu-Goni (figs. 1, 2, 3).

Pranu Mutteddu is one of the most fascinating and important funerary areas of prehistoric Sardinia. In Goni the Late Neolithic (3200-2850 B.C.) - Copper Age (2800-2600 B.C.) megalithic complex, which extends over a sandstone and shale plateau, is characterised by tombs built with local sandstone, consisting of 2 to 3 concentric rings of stones, sometimes with external walls with steps for supporting the mound.

The burial chamber is at the centre, built with a sub-cyclopean technique, and is accessed through a corridor formed by upright slabs covered with lintels. The area also includes numerous menhirs (about sixty), some next to the tomb structures, others arranged in more or less extensive rows. The presence of numerous tombs and menhirs suggests a use of the site according to burial and religious rites linked to ancestor worship.

Fig. 1 - Tomb 2, Pranu Mutteddu of Goni (da
Fig. 2 - Pranu Mutteddu of Goni (from
Fig. 3 - Line of menhirs, Pranu Mutteddu of Goni (from


MORAVETTI A., ALVITO G., Sardegna archeologica dal cielo. Dai circoli megalitici alle tombe nuragiche, Sassari 2010, pp. 22-23.
