The evolution of the hut structure
The typical Nuragic hut is circular with a stone bearing structure that has a low base wall, topped with a roof that may have been straw (or perishable materials such as wood, reeds, straw) or in stone (fig. 1).

During the final phases of the thousand year Nuragic history (Final Bronze Age-Iron Age) there is a second type of architectural dwelling place named in different ways: hut with sectors or multi-cell hut or in blocks that represents the tendency towards proto-urban types of aggregation that developed in the largest Nuragic villages (fig. 2).

This is a structure with a complex layout: starting with what seems like a spontaneous group of round huts, surrounded by straight or curved walls, around a central space, it gradually reaches a kind of house that is independent, formed by several small rooms that are trapezoidal, with slopping wooden roofs, that are not separate, that look onto a small central courtyard (fig. 3).

Sometimes the most notable dwellings also had a round room with a basin and tub, and adjacent oven. There are also Nuragic huts in different shapes than this “norm”, that appear to have had different functions than being purely dwellings: in addition to the square rooms, there are also round huts of a size and with furnishings that lead one to hypothesise a community use, probably for political or religious reasons, therefore they are now commonly called curia or alternatively meeting huts.
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- SANTONI V., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Guide e Studi, Quartu Sant’Elena 2001.
- UGAS G., La Sardegna nuragica. Aspetti generali, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pp. 11-34.
- USAI L., Il nuraghe Su Nuraxi, Barumini, in CAMPUS F., LEONELLI V. (a cura di), Simbolo di un simbolo: i modelli di nuraghe, Monteriggioni 2013, pp. 324-329.