
Rounded bronze jar with bronz bent handles (From Mura Pizzinna-Bonorva)

Bronze recipients used for collective rituals in Nuragic Sardinia held a strong symbolic value. Cauldrons, basisn, bowls and amphoras are known forms.

A rounded bronze jar was found in Mura Pizzinna (Bonorva), a typical vase in pre-Nuragic and Nuragic contexts, often used in the giants’ tombs and round in villages and nuraghi too (fig. 1).

The finding can be compared with a pottery example found in the Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) site, dated between the end of the 13th and beginning of the 12th century B.C. (fig. 2).

Some comparisons can be made with a jar from the Abini-Teti site (fig. 3) and with a female bronze statue coming from the Cabu Abbas-Olbia nuraghe, portraying a “peasant girl” who is carrying a similar jar on her head held with her arms (fig. 4).

Fig. 1 - Rounded bronze jar with bronze handles from Mura Pizzinna, Bonorva (from LO SCHIAVO 2014, page. 112).
Fig. 2 - Rounded pottery vase with round handles found on the Pyla-Kokkinokremos site (from LO SCHIAVO 2014, page. 115).
Fig. 3 - Upside down round handle from Abini-Teti (from LO SCHIAVO 2014, page. 112).
Fig. 4 - Bronze statue of water carrier; Cabu Abbas nuraghe -Olbia (from LO SCHIAVO 2014, page. 115).



  • LO SCHIAVO F., I recipienti metallici della Sardegna nuragica, in AA.VV., Studi di protostoria in onore di Renato Peroni, Firenze 2006, pp. 269-287.
  • LO SCHIAVO F., La produzione metallurgica, in A. MORAVETTI, E. ALBA, L. FODDAI (eds.), La Sardegna nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pp. 93-120.

