Detailed sheets

The Arcu ’e Sforru nuraghe

Near the Nuragic place of worship, there are the Arcu ’e Sforru and Lotzoracesus nuraghi (fig. 1) with the adjacent giants’ tomb of the same name.

Positioned in the Interrabbas valley of the Riu Pira ’e Onni, between two tributaries of the Rio Flumendosa, sighting towers were positioned, connected to a true defence system dating back to the Middle Bronze Age (1500-1400 B.C.).

Fig. 1 - Aerial photo of the Arcu ’e Sforru nuraghe (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

Not much is known of the Arcu ’e Sforru nuraghe, from the topographical investigations carried out by the archaeologist Antonio Taramelli at the start of the twentieth century, in which the monument was described as “a large pile of stones shows the ruin of the large nuraghe; several piles all around prove the existence of an ancient group of dwelling places around the nuraghe. It is a short distance from the Lotzoracesus nuraghe.”

The nuraghe wall, of which there are now only a few rows left, was built from large polygonal local stones set on a rocky natural base (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Exterior of the Arcu ’e Sforru nuraghe (photo by E. Atzeni).

It is the most common type of nuraghe comprising a tapered tower that is circular, covered by a tholos or false dome, involving the overlapping of rows of stones arranged in circles with decreasing diameters proceeding upwards (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 - Chamber of the Arcu ’e Sforru nuraghe (photo by E. Atzeni).

The entrance is on the south-east and leads to a narrow external corridor that widens progressively towards the inside, and on the right of which there is a small foyer.

The monument has never been dug before today.



  • COCCO F., Talana, Tertenia, Tortoli, Triei, Ulassai, Urzulei, Ussassai, Villagrande Strisaili, Villaputzu, in Dati relativi alla storia dei paesi della diocesi d'Ogliastra, 3, Cagliari 1989, p. 232.
  • FADDA M.A., Il villaggio santuario di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros, Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari , 48, Sassari 2012, pp. 6-8.
  • FADDA M.A., Villagrande Strisaili. Il santuario nuragico di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros e le insulae degli artigiani fusori, in Nel segno dell’acqua. Santuari e bronzi votivi della Sardegna nuragica, Sassari 2014, p. 199.
  • TARAMELLI A., Edizione archeologica della Carta d’Italia al 100.000, Foglio 207 Nuoro quadrante II SE, Firenze 1931, p. 170.

