Detailed sheets

Room C

Fragments of a votive sword and some bronze fragments (fig. 1) were found in the corridor (length 1.20 metres, width 1.40 metres) leading from room B to room C.

Fig. 1 - Entrance corridor to room C of the megaron 1 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The characteristic of this corridor is that it stills has the original entrance with architraves, an architectural element that is a horizontal beam, with a trapezoid shape window above it (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 - Architraved entrance to room C of the megaron 1 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The rectangular room has perimeter walls that jut out heavily towards the top, thus making the room smaller. There were several schist slabs and flat stones that once were part of the temple roof found inside, in stratigraphic order that had been destroyed by illegal plundering.

With regard to the items found, arenaceous-fossil limestones slabs, some shaped, others with circular holes, a large T-shaped ashlar with a mammal sketch, and stone ashlars with holes (fig. 3) used to insert votive bronze items as seen from the residues of molten lead found in them, and a square limestone bowl with a central tub, now in fragments, have been found. Several pottery fragments can be seen to belong to round vases and hull-bottomed cups. Some bronze sheets and brooches were also found in the collapsed layer. 

Fig. 3 - Stone ashlars where bronze votive items were inserted (from Fadda 2012, fig. 22, page 18).



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