
Bronze pendant in the shape of an axe

At the temenos (fig. 1) of the megaron 1 temple in S’Arcu ’e Is Forros, a bronze pendant was found that is a miniature reproduction of an axe with a handle, with “raised edges”, i.e. An item made from bronze commonly used to work wood.

Fig. 1 - Overview of the temenos that surrounded the external area of the megaron 1 temple (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).

The pendant, 5.5 cm high, was made using the lost wax casting technique.
It has a rectangular sheet metal part together with a circular element connected to a slightly bended thin handle. Some twisted ropes have been reproduced between the circular element and the handle. At the base of the axe, below the ropes, there is a small tongue jutting out in relief (figs. 2, 3, 4).

Figs. 2, 3 - Front and back of the axe-shaped pendant (photo by Pinna P.P., RAS Photographic Archive).
Fig. 4 - Detail of the pendant on show at the museum in Nuoro
(by Fadda 2006, p. 60 fig. 63).

The artefact, dated to the X-IX centuries B.C., is on display at the National Archaeological Museum G. Asproni in Nuoro.


  • FADDA M.A., Il Museo Speleo Archeologico di Nuro, Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari , 17, Sassari 2006, pp. 60-61, fig. 63.
  • FADDA M.A., Il villaggio santuario di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros, Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari , 48, Sassari 2012, p. 15, fig. 18.
  • FADDA M.A., Villagrande Strisaili. Il santuario nuragico di S'Arcu 'e Is Forros e le insulae degli artigiani fusori, in Nel segno dell’acqua. Santuari e bronzi votivi della Sardegna nuragica, Sassari 2014, p. 203, fig. 319.
  • MERELLA S., Pendente “asciforme”-scheda 47, in MORAVETTI A., ALBA L., FODDAI L. (a cura di), La Sardegna Nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pag. 209.

