Detailed sheets

The domus de janas and menhirs of S’Ortali ’e su Monte

In San Salvatore, not far from the sea and beaches of Orrì, you have the archaeological area of S’ortali ‘e su Monte. This is a real monumental complex formed by domus de janas, menhirs, one nuraghe and two tombs of giants, extending over about 8000 m² on a granite hill dominating the nearly coastal plain.

The presence of domus de janas and menhirs proves that the area has been used since very ancient times. A first underground tomb, dated to the Late Neolithic period (3200-2800 B.C.), dug in the north side of the hill of S’Ortali ‘e su Monte, has a vestibule; from this, through a hatch, you enter a pseudo-rectangular shaped cell with a double niche (figs. 1-2).

Fig. 1 - The domus de janas dug under the hill of S’Ortali ’e su Monte (photo by C. Nieddu).
Fig. 2 - Plan and section of the domus de janas of S'Ortali ‘e su Monte (from Locci 1990 b, p. 74).

Several menhirs also belong to the Neolithic period; they are of the aniconic, proto-antropomorphic type. Several menhirs and a cup-shaped boulder are also visible next to the country church of San Salvatore (fig. 3) and their presence could be connected to the tomb dug in a granite rock spur behind the church.

Fig. 3 - Plan and section of the menhirs of San Salvatore (from Locci 1990 d, p. 87).

This domus has a trapezoidal vestibule leading to two longitudinal cells. The two small rooms are an irregular semi-circular shape (figs. 4-5).

Fig. 4 - Plan and section of domus de janas of San Salvatore (from Fadda 2012, p. 25, fig. 31).
Fig. 5 - Plan and section of the domus de janas of San Salvatore (from Locci 1990 c, p. 86).

Two granite menhirs, datable between the III and II millennium B.C., are placed in front of the tomb of giants of S’Ortali ‘e su Monte, at a distance of about ten metres (fig. 6).

Fig. 6 - The menhirs in front of the tomb of giants of S’Ortali ‘e su Monte (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


  • ARCHEO SYSTEM, Progetto “I Nuraghi”. Ricognizione archeologica in Ogliastra, Barbagia, Sarcidano. I Reperti, Milano 1990.
  • M.A. FADDA, Tortolì. I monumenti neolitici e il nuraghe S’Ortali ‘e su Monte, Sardegna Archeologica. Guide e Itinerari, 49, Sassari 2012.
  • M.C. LOCCI, I.3.38, Complesso archeologico di S’Ortali ‘e su Monte, in ARCHEO SYSTEM 1990, p. 72.
  • M.C. LOCCI, I.3.42, Domus de janas di S’Ortali ‘e su Monte, in ARCHEO SYSTEM 1990, p. 74.
  • M.C. LOCCI, I.3.75, Domus de janas di San Salvatore, in ARCHEO SYSTEM 1990, p. 86.
  • M.C. LOCCI, I.3.78; I.3.79, Menhirs di San Salvatore, in ARCHEO SYSTEM 1990, p. 87.
  • C. NIEDDU, Siti archeologici d’Ogliastra. Itinerari alla scoperta di siti prenu-ragici e nuragici nel territorio dei paesi dell’Ogliastra, Lanusei 2006, pp. 54-55.
  • M. PERRA, Rituali funerari e culto degli antenati nell’Ogliastra in età nuragica, in M. G. MELONI, S. NOCCO (a cura di) Ogliastra. Identità storica di una provincia. Atti del Convegno di Studi (Jerzu-Lanusei-Arzana-Tortolì, 23-25 gennaio 1997), Lanusei 2000, pp. 221-232.  
