
Ceramic items

The ceramic items found close to the monastery of San Nicola di Trullas belong to three different moments of being frequented of the site and have provided important information about the population and the abandonment of the area over the years. The ceramic items have no “rough” coating, Iberic amphoras, glazed items, ancient Pisa tiles and Spanish ceramics with decorations in blue and sheen, date to the middle ages and more precisely to the mid 14th century (figs. 1-9, i.e. The last period of monastic life, before being destroyed by a fire and the consequent abandonment of the area of San Nicola.

Fig. 1 - Rough colourless pottery pot (photo by the Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 2 - Bread (photo by the Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 3 - Spanish blue and shiny enamel (photo by the Municipality Semestene).
Fig. 4 - Spanish blue and shiny enamel (photo by the Municipality Semestene).
Fig. 5 - Sardinian glazed bowls (photo by the Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 6 - Sardinian glazed flask (photo by the Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 7 - Obra verde de Barchinona, jug (photo by the Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 8 - Ancient Pisa Maiolica tile (photo of Municipality of Semestene).

Two centuries passed before the area on which the monastery stood was regularly frequented again, towards the end of the 16th century. There are several ceramic items proving this new life in the site and refer to both items made regionally and imported ones. There are many items of Oristano product in the first group, such as fragments of a jug with an orange colour circular base (fig. 9); while the imported tiles come from Montelupo Fiorentino, Savona or the area of Barcelona (fig 10).

Fig. 9 - Sardinian slipware jug (photo by Municipality of Semestene).
Fig. 10 - Multi-colour Maiolica tile, Sassari (photo by Municipality of Semestene).

Finally the site was used in modern times (mid 18th-beginning 20th century) as proven by taches noires ceramics from Albisola and Sicily, tiles from Lazio with brown and yello decorations and Italian earthenware.


  • M. HOBART, Sardinian medieval churches and their bacini: architecture embedded with archeology, New York University Ph.D. 2006 dissertation, Ann Arbor, MI, 2006.
  • M. HOBART, Merchants, monks, and medieval Sardinian architecture, in Studies in the archaeology of the medieval Mediterranean, Leiden, 2010, pp. 93-114.
  • M. HOBART, F. PORCELLA, Bacini ceramici in Sardegna, in I bacini murati medievali. Problemi e stato della ricerca, atti del XXVI Convegno Internazionale della Ceramica, (Albisola, 28 - 30 maggio 1993), Centro Ligure per la Storia della Ceramica, Albisola, 1996. pp. 139-160.
  • A. PANDOLFI, San Nicola di Trullas. Archeologia, architettura, paesaggio, a cura di A. BONINU e A. PANDOLFI, Semestene, 2010, pp. 20-21.
