
Shooting archers

The Sa Costa site, now partially occupied by the building that houses the Civic Archaeological Museum of Sardara, has also shown several Nuraghic structures and, in particular, a tomb excavated in 1912 by Antonio Taramelli, whose funerary objects included two small bronze statues of an archer.

The first archer, 15.8 cm high, is portrayed standing in the act of shooting an arrow.

The head is covered by a hemispherical helmet, while the neck is protected by a high collar (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 - Front view of the first bronze statue of shooting archer (photo by R.A.S.).

At the back of the figure, a tight-fitting tunic is visible, from which hangs a flared skirt, stopped by buttons on the side of the right thigh (fig. 2).

The garment above the tunic consists of two pieces joined together by a studded leather belt.

The top piece is a small armour which wraps around the body including the back, where it is smooth, while the chest is decorated with a "wolf’s teeth" pattern.

The bottom piece, which extends from the waist to the calves, is a kind of armoured apron, an imitation of an original leather one with metal studs, which protects the front of the belly, thighs and legs, and is open at the back, leaving the tunic visible.

A hard rectangular cheek piece which rests on the shoulder protects the head. The quiver hangs crosswise on his shoulders.

Fig. 2 - Rear view of the first bronze statue of shooting archer (photo by R.A.S.).

The figure of the second archer (height 16.5 cm) is identical to the previous one, except for the position of the right hand, which is held alongside, so that the bow is gripped only by his left hand (figs. 3-4) .

The bow, the cheek piece and the feet are broken.

Fig. 3 - Front view of the second bronze statue of shooting archer (photo by R.A.S.).
Fig. 4 - Rear view of the second bronze statue of shooting archer (photo by R.A.S.).


  • A. TARAMELLI, Tomba arcaica con statuette in bronzo d’arte protosarda scoperte a Sardara (CA), Bollettino Paletnologia Italiana, XXIX, 1913, pp. 99-127.
  • G. LILLIU, Sculture della Sardegna nuragica, Nuoro 2008.
  • G. CANINO, Arciere saettante, scheda 3, in A. MORAVETTI, E. ALBA, L. FODDAI (eds.), La Sardegna nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, p. 363.
