
Bronze washbowls

A jar filled with metal objects and three bronze washbowls dating from the late eighth and the beginning of the seventh century B.C. were found in the temple area of the sacred well of S. Anastasia of Sardara, in a hole-closet near the entrance to hut 5.

At this late stage of the Nuraghic civilisation, a particularly important ritual or symbolic value was given to metal containers. Laminated bronze cups, bowls and cauldrons were produced by beating a metal disc in a special wood form with a rounded tip hammer.

The handle joints, which could be of different shapes, were then fixed with small nails . The three containers of S. Anastasia are all different, but they are all made with the single foil technique. The first (fig. 1), with a hemispherical shape, has a diameter of 37.3 cm and is 18.2 cm high.

It has a deep concave basin and the horseshoe handles are applied with a bi-lobed plate and topped by a lotus flower pattern.

Fig. 1 - Washbowl with bronze handles decorated with lotus flowers, from hut 5 of S. Anastasia (photo by R.A.S.).

The second washbowl (fig. 2), with a hemispherical shape and a concave basin, is 10.5 cm high and has a diameter of 36.5 cm.

The handles in the shape of a horseshoe are applied under the rim with a horizontal bi-lobed plate and three rivets; two vertical segments link the joint to the top of the handle.

It is adorned inside by five concentric circles and by a "wolf’s teeth" band filled with a speckled pattern.

Fig. 2 - Bronze washbowl with horseshoe handles, from hut 5 of S. Anastasia (photo by R.A.S.).

Finally, the third container (figs. 3-4) has a diameter of 37.4 cm and a height of 15 cm. It is characterised by a deep hemispherical basin and by a movable handle connected to two rings attached to the edge with three rivets and decorated with spirals .

Fig. 3 - Bronze washbowl with spiral decoration from hut 5 of S. Anastasia (photo by R.A.S.).
Fig. 4 - Bronze washbowl with spiral decoration seen from above (photo by R.A.S.).



  • F. LO SCHIAVO, La produzione metallurgica, in A. MORAVETTI, E. ALBA, L. FODDAI (eds.), La Sardegna nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, pp. 93-120.
  • G. MARRAS, Schede 13, 14, 15, in A. MORAVETTI, E. ALBA, L. FODDAI (eds.), La Sardegna nuragica. Storia e materiali, Sassari 2014, p. 341.
  • G. UGAS, L. USAI, Nuovi scavi nel Santuario Nuragico di S. Anastasia di Sardara, in Un millennio di relazioni fra la Sardegna e i paesi del Mediterraneo. Atti del II Convegno di studi (Selargius-Cagliari, 27-30 novembre 1986), Cagliari 1987, pp. 167-218.
  • L. USAI, Sant'Anastasia: l'area archeologica, in Archeologia a Sardara. Da Sant’Anastasia a Monreale, Quaderni Didattici della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Province di Cagliari e Oristano, 11, 2003, pp. 16-40.
  • G. UGAS, Sardara (Cagliari). Località di Sant'Anastasia. Area del Santuario nuragico, in Bollettino di Archeologia, 3, 1990, pp. 144-145.
