(Phoenician Age)
The plates are open, low containers, of various shapes, used to serve and eat food.
Two fragments of plates with short outer convex rims were found in Posada, during digs carried out by the Archaeological Superintendency (fig. 1): one of these is in red slip (the outer surface is bright red, thanks to the finish obtained with a mix of clay and water). These shapes originated in the east and were produced in Carthage and exported to the central Mediterranean area. This category of materials, that can be dated in a period between the second half of the 8th century B.C. and the mid 7th century B.C., was found in Olbia in Sardinia (figs. 2-4).

Fig. 1 - Plates from Posada (from Sanciu 2010, fig. 12).

Fig. 2 - Plate from Olbia (from D'oriano, Oggiano 2005, p. 196, fig. 10.5).

Fig. 3 - Plate in red slip from Sulky (from Unali 2012, fig. 14).

Fig. 4 - Plates in red slip from Mozia (from Famà, Toti 2000, table LXXXVIII, figs. 1-2).
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