(Phoenician Age)
During investigation in the old town centre of Posada, a fragment of a pithos (a large pottery container for oil and wheat, fig. 1) was found, together with other items, with only the part of the outward stretching grey rim remaining (fig. 2). The piece has no comparisons in Nuragic contexts and has been connected with similar fragments found in the Nuragic village of Luthuthai in Siniscola (figs. 3-4), where Giovanni Lilliu had already carried out some digs. Some of the items from Luthuthai have an outward reaching rim, a characteristic observed in the fragments found in Posada. It has been hypothesised that these items were a local reworking of Levantine models, that have still not been found in other island contexts.

Fig. 1 - Example of pithos from Yavneh Yam, Israel (from http://www.hadashot-esi.org.il/report_detail_eng.aspx?id=1170&mag_id=115).

Fig. 2 - Fragment of a pithos from Posada (from Sanciu 2010, fig. 7).

Fig. 3 - Fragment of a pithos from Luthuthai, Siniscola (from Sanciu 2010, fig. 17).

Fig. 4 - Fragment of a pithos from Luthuthai, Siniscola (from Sanciu 2010, fig. 18).
- G. LILLIU, Siniscola (NU) - Ricerche e scavi, in Notizie degli Scavi, 1941, pp. 164-171.
- A. SANCIU, Fenici lungo la costa orientale sarda. Nuove acquisizioni. Fasti On Line Documents & Research 174, 2010.
- A. SANCIU, Nuove testimonianze di età punica da Posada e dalla Sardegna centro-orientale. Sardinia, Corsica et Baleares Antiquae, IX, pp. 51-58.
- A. SANCIU, Posada. Centro storico. Recupero di materiali archeologici. Erentzias. Rivista della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le province di Sassari e Nuoro, I, pp. 376-377.
- A. SANCIU, Nuove testimonianze d’età fenicia e punica dalla costa centro-orientale sarda. ArcheoArte. Rivista elettronica di Archeologia e Arte, Supplemento 2012 al numero 1, pp. 167-182.