Vessels with a globular body
Numerous artefacts belonging to this class of materials were found during excavations in the Nuraghe of Monte Idda.
All the olla have a globular shape and can be divided into four groups according to the type of rim: this can be rounded or tapered (fig. 1). In the first case, there is evidence of cord-marked enlarged rims which, in some cases, form a small groove where they are attached to the neck; in other cases their profile can be angular, such as to form a small brim. It is assumed that the vessels with this type of rim could be suitable for containing liquids. Globular vases are also part of the olla group; they have a distinct neck, very thin walls and excised external surfaces; these have very uniform traits, except for the neck, which is the only element which differentiates them within the group. Olla with an internal fillet to support the lid and, in some cases, with ventilation holes, are however poorly documented. Many olla have strap-shaped handles, a large and uneven opening and a thickness capable of supporting heavy weights; sometimes instead of the handles they have grips, which in some cases are often just an enlargement of the wall (fig. 2). The decorative elements of this class of materials are leaf-shaped patterns excised on the outside or sculptural applications arranged in a mesh (fig. 3).

- A. CORDA, M. FRAU, Ceramica. La produzione della Sardegna preistorica, Cagliari 2001.
- M.A. FADDA, Il nuraghe Monte Idda di Posada e la ceramica a pettine in Sardegna, in W.H. WALDREN et alii, The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and their Peripheral Areas. BAR International Series 229, pp. 671-702.
- M.A. FADDA, Posada: preistoria sarda all’ombra di un castello. Archeologia Viva 85, pp. 88-93.
- M.A. FADDA, Il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Nuoro. Sardegna archeologica. Guide e itinerari 17, Sassari 2006.
- G. FLORIS, Il castello medioevale della Fava (Posada). Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia 29, pp. 257-297.