The villages of Sulla and Arischion
The villages of Sulla and Arischion were located on the left bank of the Rio Mannu (fig. 1); they were probably abandoned at the same time as, from the second half of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the old village of Posada moved under the Castello della Fava, in order to escape the dangers of Saracen invasions. The inhabitants of the two small towns would also have moved to the new settlement.
Documents dating from the fourteenth century place Sulla to the north of Posada, near the modern town of Sas Murtas, where findings of archaeological material have also been documented. The village of Arischion was closely linked to that of Sulla and located next to the latter (figs. 2-3). It probably stood near the current location of San Paolo, as the parish church of Arischion, of which no trace is left, was dedicated to this saint. Moreover, archaeological material has been found throughout this area, which could indicate the presence of a settlement.

- V. ANGIUS, Posada, in G. CASALIS, Dizionario geografico storico-statistico-commerciale degli Stati di S.M. il re di Sardegna, XV, Torino 1847, pp. 672-691.
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- A. DELLA MARMORA, Itinéraire de l’île de Sardaigne, II, Turin 1860.
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- D. PANEDDA, Il Giudicato di Gallura. Curatorie e centri abitati, Sassari 1978.
- L. PILONI, Carte geografiche della Sardegna, Cagliari 1997.
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