Parade ground
The Castello della Fava was surrounded by three boundary ring walls which enclosed as many areas, the last one, on top of the hill, was the so-called "parade ground", i.e. the place where the troops were gathered and where the guards and the war machines for defending the keep were located. A portal, preceded by a series of steps carved into the rock, allowed access to the large open space at the centre of which the high square tower is still visible (fig. 1).

Inside the parade ground there was a line of three water tanks (ranging in size from 4x5 to 4x10 metres) which guaranteed the water supply to the Castello della Fava in the event of a prolonged siege. On either side of the area there were also other structures, probably warehouses or stables, perfectly incorporated in the city walls, according to a thirteenth century construction model. There are only a few traces left of these buildings, limited to the walls crests which identify the perimeter. The tanks probably had a barrel vault ceiling (figs. 2-4).

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