
The urns from the tophet

In the tophet, the urban sanctuary reserved for infant deaths (figs. 1-2; according to some experts, periodical sacrificial rituals were carried out there, according to others, it was a place where children products of premature births or miscarriages were buried: the ceremony foresaw a purification sacrifice by fire), urns, sometimes accompanied by stelae, held the cremate human or animals remains.

Figs. 1-2 - The area of the tophet and the types of urns (GUIRGUIS 2013, fig. 7).

About four hundred were found in the dig, that can be dated between the 4th and 2nd centuries B.C. Arranged in two layers. They are round vases, various types of kitchen pots that are relatively similar to each other. They were arranged covered by a plate or lid (figs. 3-4). The current arrangement of the site has some copies of the urns and stelae (fig. 5). A reconstruction of the “filed of urns” offered by the Nuovo Museo Civico Archeologico Villa Sulcis in Carbonia.

Figs. 3-5 - Examples of urns with relative lids (GUIRGUIS 2013, fig. 44; MARRAS 1998, fig. 49).




  • P. BARTOLONI, Monte Sirai 1981. La ceramica del tofet, in RStudFen, X, pp. 283-290.
  • M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 1963-2013 mezzo secolo di indagini archeologiche, Sassari.
  • L. MARRAS, Il Museo Archeologico di Carbonia, Sassari.
