Tomb no. 266
Tomb 266 is in the group of tombs known as the “necropolis of the parking area” (figs. 1-2). It is located in the eastern sector of this area.
Burial by interment refers to a young woman, according to the well preserved skeleton that had accompany ceramic items close to her, part of a quite typical Punic collection: two jugs (one with a “mushroom” edge, the other with two lips), two plates with a central raised area and a cup painted in red horizontal lines (fig. 3). The ceramics are of Phoenician tradition that lasted until the 5th century B.C. The woman must have been buried in the first part of this century. A small jewel was found close to the skull. A silver pendent in the form of a miniature ring.

Figs. 1-2 - Image of the Phoenician necropolis and location of tomb 266 (GUIRGUIS 2011, figs. 3-4).

Fig. 3 - Tomb 266 being dug with items inside and relative drawings (GUIRGUIS 2012, fig. 5).
- M. GUIRGUIS, Necropoli fenicia e punica di Monte Sirai. Indagini archeologiche 2005-2007 (Studi di Storia Antica e di Archeologia, 7), Ortacesus 2010.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Gli spazi della morte a Monte Sirai (Carbonia - Sardegna). Rituali e ideologie funerarie nella necropoli fenicia e punica (scavi 2005-2010), in FastiOnlineDocumenti&Research,, pp. 1-33.
- M. GUIRGUIS, Monte Sirai 2005-2010. Bilanci e prospettive, in Vicino & Medio Oriente, 16, pp. 51-82.