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Seventeenth century crypt

The Basilica of San Saturnino is one of the oldest Christian buildings in Sardinia. Its first construction would, in fact, be connected to the martyrium built between the sixth and seventh centuries in the cemetery outside the city of Cagliari, in honour of the young Saturnino, martyred in 304 during the reign of Diocletian.

Several excavations in the most important Christian sites in the city in search of cuerpos santos, i.e. the burials of the holy Sardinian martyrs, were carried out in Cagliari during the first decades of the seventeenth century, on the initiative of the ecclesiastical authority.

During the seventeenth century, following the excavation and discovery of numerous tombs and alleged relics, Archbishop D'Esquivel had a crypt built inside the Basilica (fig. 1) in order to preserve these discoveries. The room, a quadrangular shaped space, covered with a barrel vault and accessible by means of a staircase, was constructed following the longitudinal axis of the building; it was divided into two areas by a wall and had two windows closed by iron grates (fig. 2). All that is now left of the structure is not visible at the moment, as it is preserved under the current flooring of the basilica (fig. 3).

Fig. 1 - Plan of the seventeenth century church with the crypt in the centre (from MUREDDU et alii 1988, p. 175, table 31 ).
Fig. 2 - Plan and section of the crypt (from MUREDDU et alii 1988, p. 175, table 31 ).
Fig. 3 - All that remains below the current ground level (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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