Detailed sheets

The exterior of the eastern apse

During the Giudicato period, the church of San Saturnino was donated by Pope Urban II, by order of the Giudice of Cagliari Constantino, to the monks of St. Victor of Marseille who, between 1089 and 1119, restructured it according to pre-Romanesque models.

The eastern apse (fig. 1), the only surviving part of the entire structure, is devoid of its outer coating, but it is presumed to have been divided into five half-frames by semi columns, of which only the two-colour marble bases in the scarp wall remain. Its construction dates back to eleventh century Romanesque building and is set on a structure of large isodomic blocks (fig. 2), square outside and curved inside, interpreted by some scholars as the original apse; however, it may be an even more ancient structure.

In addition, the re-use of pieces of columns placed horizontally at the base of the semicircle (figs. 3-4) recalls works in Constantinople, thereby putting the question as to whether the “Vittorina” apse were placed onto an older semi-circular one.

Fig. 1 - Exterior of the eastern apse (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 2 - Detail of the base of the apse (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - Marble base of the column in the apse scarp wall (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 4 - Reused elements in the apse scarp wall (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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