Detailed sheets

“A cupa” tombs

The archaeological site of San Saturnino is located in the eastern part of the city of Cagliari, an area which in ancient times stood outside the city limits and was part of the necropolis extending east of the town, from today's Viale Regina Margherita up to the Bonaria hill. Here you can still see the surviving evidence of the necropolis and the Basilica dedicated to the martyr Saturnino.

There are various types of burials in the funerary area next to the church. The “a cupa” (barrel-shaped) graves (from the Latin cupa, cupae = barrel) have a cover characterised by a parallelepiped base surmounted by a dome-shaped semi-cylindrical structure, made of bricks or processed in a monolithic block of stone and subsequently plastered (figs. 1-3). Sometimes the abundant detailing reproduces the looks of a real barrel. This type of burial derives from very popular models in the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin, particularly in Africa, the region which the island is very close to for its decorative choices and funeral customs.

Fig. 1 - “A cupa” tomb (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 2 - “A cupa” tomb: detail of the base (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).
Fig. 3 - “A cupa” tombs (photo by Unicity S.p.A.).


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